Creating a Biography Summary with Leaves

The Leaves Biography Summary application is an incredible way to create a super engaging summary of a person’s life story. It can take a few hours to do, but the results will surprise and delight everyone who sees it. A biography summary created with Leaves will last a lifetime, and makes a great gift. The best part is the Leaves application is free of charge!

Whether you want to create a biography summary of your life, your mother’s life, your father’s life, a colleague’s life, or of the lives of any friend or relative, you will find the Leaves Biography Summary application to be unequaled in features and output.

So, what is the Leaves Biography Summary application all about? Why would you use it? Who is it for? What can you do with it? What kind of content goes into a biography summary? What does the final production look like? How does it work? So many questions about this new technology.

In this article, we will answer these questions and hopefully get you excited about creating a biography summary with Leaves!

The Uses of a Biography Summary

Biography summaries have been written for centuries to encapsulate a person’s life. The uses of a biography summary are numerous. They are used to pay tribute to someone who has passed away. They are used to introduce a speaker and to present one’s professional credentials in the form of a resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV). A biography summary memorializes a person’s lived experiences and the contributions he or she made to family, profession, and community.

Genealogists and family historians widely use biography summaries to write about the lives of ancestors in a family tree. More importantly, for the here and now, biography summaries are used to create a foundation and framework for a more expansive autobiography, memoir, or life story. This use is the sweet spot of the Leaves application.

In short, you can use a Summary Biography for:

  • Presenting your professional credentials.
  • Promoting and introducing a speaker.
  • Laying the groundwork for your autobiography, memoir, or life story.
  • Writing an obituary or eulogy.
  • Memorializing a loved one or ancestor.
  • Gifting as a keepsake for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and birthdays.

Key Features of the Leaves Biography Summary Application

Have you ever watched the Biography Channel, or a Ken Burns documentary? They are very engaging productions….storytelling at its best. The Leaves application strives to create a biography summary with those kinds of production values. It creates a short, compelling movie, complete with historical images and narration. It makes the subject a star.

The Leaves Biography Summary application employs the latest technologies to help the user compose, tell, and share the story in multimedia formats. Here is a quick look at some of the features:

Short Form, Fill-in-the-Blank Interview

Simple, easy-to-answer questions and short forms, capture the essential information needed for the Biography Summary. Note: the next release of the app supports Speech-To-Text (STT) so inputs can be spoken rather than typed.

Professional Script, Narration, and Preview

Leaves automatically writes the script for the biography summary, using the inputs provided by the user. The user can preview it as s/he builds it, and share it with friends, family, and colleagues to get feedback. The story is professionally narrated by an Ai Text-To-Speech (TTS) narrator. Note: the next release of the app supports celebrity narration. How would you like your summary biography narrated by Morgan Freeman or Peter Coyote?

The Biography Summary is Told with Historical Context

The user’s story includes snippets from the times in which s/he lived. This includes the music, fads, dress styles, and significant world events during the periods in which the user went to school, worked, and raised a family.

Interactive Life Map

The user’s biography summary includes an interactive “life map” of the places s/he lived, worked, attended school, and had children.

Interactive Life Timeline

The user’s biography summary includes an interactive life timeline of significant milestones and events.

Life Records for Secure and Private Safekeeping

The user’s biography records are securely stored on digital record cards, which can be easily updated and shared with family members and others who are granted access.

Easily Edit the Script, Narration, and Slide Images

One of the most powerful features of the Leaves Biography Summary application is the ability for the user to easily edit the production. Images, captions, and the script voiced by the narrator can all be edited with a few clicks. Slides can be hidden to produce a biography for one purpose, and unhidden to produce a different version of the biography for other purposes.

Play, Edit, and Share on Leaves for Free and Download MP4 for Publishing Elsewhere

The user’s Biography Summary can be played, edited, and shared for free, forever, on Leaves. User’s can share a private, unique URL, with friends and family to play the biography, view the interactive map and timeline. Visitors do not have to register. Visitors can comment on the story and request other stories they would like to see. The user can download the Biography Summary as an MP4 video one time at no charge. Subsequent downloads are $2.99 each or unlimited with an annual subscription for $35.88.

What Content is Needed to Create a Biography Summary with Leaves?

A Leaves Biography Summary has three chapters. Users are asked to provide certain inputs and photos, which enables the Leaves Virtual Biographer to create the story script, narration, and final video. The three chapters are as follows:

Not all inputs are required or will apply to all users. Many people did not go to college, or serve in the military, for example. Many people are not married or have children. Users are free to customize the script and the slides to suit their purposes.

The biggest effort users need to make is finding and uploading suitable photos for each part of the script. A picture is worth a thousand words as they say, so good photos make the show! The application uses placeholder photos and icons if the user does not upload images. The Leaves application tutorial suggests what kinds of photos should be uploaded with each record, to create an awesome biography summary.

What Does the Final Production Look Like?

Since a Leaves Biography Summary is customizable and dependent on the inputs provided by the user, the final production can be very short or long. It can include many photos or no photos. It can be produced with historical context or no historical context.

The following summary biographies were created with Leaves. They were produced for the parents of Leaves’ co-founder, Mike O’Donnell. His mother’s biography summary is a memorial tribute. She passed away in 2011. His father’s biography summary was produced jointly by Mike and his dad. They enjoyed working together on the project and relish it as a family keepsake. Mike has also included a summary biography that only presents his professional biography, as an example of the type of CV that can be produced with Leaves.

Memorial Tribute Example, for a Departed Loved One

Full Life Biography Summary, for Family Heritage

Professional Biography Summary, for Prospective Employers and Clients

What’s Next for the Leaves Application?

The team at the Leaves Legacy Project has an ambitious product roadmap. Enhancements are currently being made to the interactive life map and timeline features. Celebrity narrators are being enrolled to lend their voices and personalities to enhance a person’s biography.

The team is also working on fun ways for family and friends to add to the stories they were part of. The team is also developing an encrypted blockchain messaging system for users to record messages and stories that can be retrieved by loved ones on specific dates in the future.

The most important initiative well underway at Leaves, is the upcoming release of its Ai-enabled Virtual Biographer, which will interview users about the specific people, events, and milestones that changed their lives. The Leaves Ai Virtual Biographer will then write and produce the story for the user, based on the answers and other inputs provided by the user. Very cool! Stay tuned. Join the wait list below.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

  • lsit one
  • list two

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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