Writing the Story of Meeting Your Soulmate

One of your life's most important stories is 'How I Met My Soulmate'. This story is also called 'My Sweetheart Story' and 'Meet Cute' story. Whatever you want to title it, this story is one of the most universally shared and enjoyed stories in a person's life.

People find it easy to tell this story over dinner with friends, or when visiting relatives during the holidays. You can just RIFF from memory and even take side story detours. It's also easy to tell in person when your sweetheart is there, because s/he can RIFF alongside you and fill in other details. However, it can be challenging to write this story for the record, for people to read (or watch) on their own in the future.

The Times of My Life Virtual Biographer app comes to the rescue with "How I Met My Sweetheart". https://sweetheart.timesofmy.life.

You will love this app to help you write this iconic story for the annals. Your children, grandchildren, and their children will enjoy it...and relive it...as you did.

Your Virtual Biographer will write, edit, and produce the story for you, based on the details you supply. The Virtual Biographer will interview you about that faithful day, and your subsequent dates and romance.

Although your Virtual Biographer is an expert writer, it will follow your lead and write in the style you prefer. You can jump in at any point to make corrections and edits. Here are some tips on how to guide the development of your sweetheart story:

Set the Scene: Describe the place (where) and date (when) of your first meeting. What was the time period in which your sweetheart came into your life? Were you young, middle aged, older? Was the timing significant?

Provide details about the surroundings, the atmosphere, and any significant dynamics that set the stage for your first meeting.

Was it a blind date, a happenstance meeting, or prearranged from an online dating site? Did someone introduce you two? How did that come about?

Describing the circumstances under how and why you met will help make your story more engaging!

Talk about your first Impressions: Share your initial thoughts and feelings upon seeing your sweetheart for the first time. What caught your attention? Did you feel any immediate connection or attraction? Were you nervous? Outgoing? Reserved? Shy? Talkative or at a loss for words?

Describing what you were thinking and feeling in that moment will bring an enduring human element to your story – one that everyone can relate to and will be especially  cherished by your sweetheart when reading your story.

Recount the introduction: Describe how you both started talking or interacting. Was it a casual encounter or a planned introduction? What was the first conversation like? In that first encounter, what adjectives best described your sweetheart? Smart? Funny? Cute? Serious? Friendly? Sexy? Looking back on that first encounter, what were you thinking to yourself?

Describing the initial interaction can provide clues to why this is one of your more important life stories, and not just a faded memory of someone you met in passing.

Explain how you got to know each other: Share some details about the conversations, phone calls, text messages, dates and activities that allowed you to get to know each other better. Highlight your common interests, shared experiences, and memorable moments. Talk about how your relationship developed over time. Was it a quick path to committing to each other, or a long road?

Describing how your relationship developed and how long it took to fully blossom, adds meaningful context to your story.

Describe how and why your feelings developed: What moments or qualities made you realize you were falling in love? Was it love at first sight, or did it take a while to realize this was the person you wanted to commit to?

Describing the “tipping points” that spurred your relationship to a higher level is the gripping part of your story. Everyone loves to hear about the keys that unlock love.

Share any major challenges and triumphs: Discuss any obstacles or challenges you faced as a couple and how you overcame them. Did you ever break up and get back together again? Highlight moments of disillusionment, clarity, support, understanding, and growth that strengthened your bond.

Describing the pivotal moments in a relationship makes the story real. No love is perfect. No relationship is without its challenges and setbacks. People love to hear about how you resolved, and continue to resolve, the challenges presented in your relationship.

Talk about the special occasions: Recall the specific events, dates, and experiences that were particularly meaningful in your relationship. These could be making new discoveries together, surprises, or shared travels and adventures.

Describing the most memorable experiences you shared with your sweetheart during the courting period, cements the narrative of how your relationship evolved as it did.

Describe the “Proposal” (if applicable): If there was a formal proposal to “get engaged,” “get married,” “move in together,” or otherwise become “exclusive,” share the details of how and where it happened. Describe your emotions leading up to and during the proposal.

Describing the proposal is the “happy ending” of a romance and the beginning of a life together. It’s the big finale of the ‘how I met my sweetheart’ story.

Share a brief afterword: Reflect on your relationship journey and provide a brief update. How has your love evolved? What plans and dreams do you have for your future together? How has your life changed since committing to your sweetheart?

Describing the current state of your relationship gives your sweetheart and your readers immense satisfaction knowing the journey is still unfolding and your story together is still being written.

Express gratitude: Finally, conclude by expressing your gratitude for having met your sweetheart. Share what makes your relationship unique and how much your sweetheart means to you.

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